Julia Schulz, Alejandra Petino Zappala, The Ethics and Moral Psychology of Vaccination: Evidence from a Cross-cultural Study, 3rd German Cancer Research Congress, 30.10. - 01.11.23, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg
Andrea Quint, Phuc Nguyen, "The ethics and moral psychology of vaccination: evidence from a cross-cultural study", 30th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) 2023, August 28-31 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Johannes Doerflinger, Julia Schulz, Psychosocial Predictors of the Intention to Vaccinate Children Against HPV: A Cross-Cultural Study of Parents from the US, the UK and Germany, International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 2023, 9th to 11th March 2023, Brussels
Johannes Doerflinger, Nora Heinzelmann, E-Health = better health? Ethik und Motivationsprychologie in der digitalen Krebsprävention, Presented at 4. Runder Tisch zur Eliminierung HPV-assoziierter Krebserkrankungen in Deutschland, 05.10.2022, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg